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Google App Engine Blog: Some small updates!
We're happy to announce we've released some small updates to Google App Engine. Among the more significant changes:
  • More apps: Want to create more than 3 applications with your App Engine account? Now you can now create up to 10!
  • Time windows for Dashboard graphs: Zoom in on the data in your dashboard to get a more accurate picture of whats going on. You can zoom in to see graphs for the last 24, 12, and 6 hour periods.
  • Logs export: You can now use appcfg.py to download your application's logs in plaintext format. Use appcfg.py --help for more information on how to download your logs.
  • Send email as logged in user: If you're using the users API, you can now send email from the email address of the currently-logged-in user.
appcfg.pyでログがエクスポート出来る様になって # appcfg.py request_logs <directory> <output_file> 現在ログイン中のユーザのメールアドレスが得られる様になったらしい。

やるね。Google App Engine。
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